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e5 shops at for its content style

Supported by the ambition of new owners Peter en Kristof De Sutter, Head of Marketing Olivia Devuyst  relaunched e5 mode into e5 with a “your story in style” positioning. The evolving e5 brand needs to be  nourished for growth year over year, both in brand strength as in sales. That is exactly the performant  content challenge entrusted to Magis.  

Via 10 campaigns over the year, Magis creates and will create the right content sweet spots with omnichannel  journey guidance combining brand building power with sales lead generation. Over the year end the first  campaign was created building on the trend of dopamine dressing. Dopamine dressing is about the ability  to influence your mindset via the clothing you wear… “dress yourself happy”, to say it in other words. This  trend is extra relevant coming out of our health crisis. Looking towards a colourful spring collection, this  also perfectly fits the year seasonality. With that triple conceptual win, “Jouw lentestijl, jouw gevoel” was  born.  

Together with the e5 marketing team, an omnichannel lead generation plan is drawn from the content  sweet spot. The role of web, folder, search, mail, social and more are defined and co-created. This modus  operandi put us all in a good mood. You are all welcome to visit e5 for clothes that bring you in a good mood. 


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